Linggo, Hulyo 17, 2011

mY life w/ internet

Internet is not so far easy and also not so far difficult and its all about learning it and how you use ether in good or bad things.And as of now i know a little background in internet i know where it come from ,why they made it and also who are the first made it.Also i know it have many in business and also in life or anything that can help us to live easy in life w/ the internet in our community and also i learn it have many uses not for just a entertainment,games but also in business thing they use it to make a secure for their money important files and anything else.But for now i use internet as one of my best friend it can make me laugh when I'm sad it can connect people also like my friends and sister outside the Philippines when times i missed them internet has there always to help me how to connect them like nowadays its so easy for use to connect other people who are not beside of us because  internet now can use in our cellphone so we can use it every where we are at anytime we want.And also  wen times i was down it have many thoughts in life that can touch our heart and can  comfort me and make me alive again.And also in my in my studies it can help me for my research.And also my pastime when my friend are so much busy and don't much have time to hangout w/ me.But other people like a people whose life is business they use internet as they business partner.

Huwebes, Hulyo 14, 2011

internet in human life

It is our nature that we always want to make busy in our everyday life w/ some kind of activity just like me i always want to spend my time for playing sport and also go out have fun w/ the one i love and also w/ my friends,,but now adays internet is a reachable for everyone and also to me.and it is expanded greatly over the past decades and its very popular this years and it is really use for me for some entertainment,communication and resources in my became important thing in  many people some of them have it in there homes and it can use by everyone it have no age limit everyone can use it even if you are a child as well as adult can able to use too. and how ever it also have a negative w/ can lead to addiction.The introduction of online of online interaction has change the way we speak,it can also interpret so we can understand people from different  countries.Online messaging methods like e-mail,instant messenger,ICQ and other online games that ill allow as to talk and play electronically. Online furume are the beast soures that we can get to connect our family and friends outside the Philippines. but in the other hand it could be harmful to us if we get addiction this some kind of activities.When it come to a good side internet can see lots corporate personals can stay in touch w/ local and international people and for that thanks to the internet.they can provide service product to the global market rather than going for local market.and it can provide a great support to all the student that need to  research so w/ this internet student can grab some information for there research .and it can help people to have additional knowledge.And when it came to a bad thing about internet other people are use some illegal activities like hacking or put some scandal picture or video that can discriminate people that who are victims of this illegal activities.